Abandoned Archive

Developers: Vedal

Publishers: Vedal

Release Date: 2025

Genres: Action, Indie, Early Access

Tags: Early Access, Action Roguelike, Dungeon Crawler, Perma Death, PvE, Roguelike, Magic, 2D, Local Co-Op, Procedural Generation, Linear, Controller, Action, Pixel Graphics, Tutorial, Dark Fantasy, Fantasy, Dark, Singleplayer, Co-op

Description: Abandoned Archive is a fantasy, spell-casting, rogue-like, featuring a wide variety of relics, a unique spell-upgrading system, with compelling and engaging bosses. Each floor is filled with items and mysteries for the player to uncover; what will you discover in the Abandoned Archive?



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Projected Sales on Week 1:


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Game News

Community Announcements 2022-08-02 17:04:23
Community Announcements 2022-02-23 12:01:00
Community Announcements 2022-02-20 21:15:06